ASHA's focuses on the ex-students of SHCS, the School and the surrounding community

ASHA Activities 2006-07


  • On July 14, 2006, on the occasion of Independence Day celebrations, ASHA distributed “Candyman Licks Butterscotch” candies sponsored by Mr. Vipul Amin, to all students of Sacred Heart Convent School.
  • During one of the committee meetings of ASHA, it was discussed that due to the busy schedule of parents and the fast moving lives of today’s families, health care is being ignored. ASHA decided to make a little contribution by helping in one way. The idea of organizing a Vision Checkup Camp thus originated. On September 21, 2006 ASHA conducted a Vision Checkup Camp for the students of SHCS. 400 students of Std 1 to Std 3 were tested. Around 20 students were found to have eye sight problems. The parents of these students were advised to follow up with an eye specialist. The camp was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Poonam Singh and Dr. Dhananjay Srivastava from TMH.
  • Fund raising was another important requirement of our Committee to be able to achieve our objective of carrying out our philanthropic and social projects. ASHA did this in a big way. A Rock Show was organized on November 28, 2006 at BOC Pavilion, Beldih Golf Course. Shayne Hyrapiet, a noted rock star of Kolkata was invited. More than 500 students and parents attended the show. The show was a grand success. The main sponsors for the event were Jusco, Tata Steel, Hindustan Lever, Eastern Travels, Hotel Boulevard, many parents and well wishers of ASHA. ASHA is thankful to all of them. Donations received from these sources and the surplus funds generated after the expenses had to be used for our social projects.
  • Immediately following the show was the World AIDS Day on December 01, 2006. ASHA donated Rs. 11,111 to Tata Steel AIDS Core Group by handing over the cheque to Dr. Homiyar Gardin, the convenor of the Core Group. This money will be used to educate children of AIDS affected parents.
  • On January 01,2007, ASHA members visited the Meherbai Cancer Hospital and donated Rs. 2,000 for the poor cancer patients.
  • On January 13,2007, a few ASHA members visited Mother Teresa’s Old Age Home in Baradwari and gave a cheque of Rs. 1000 to the Sister in charge.
  • Later, the same day a visit was made to Ramakrishna Mission Home in Mango. Notebooks, pencils and erasers were donated to the tribal students of the hostel.
  • One of our committee members, Mr. Meher Madon, is actively involved in promoting the underprivileged children of Parvati Ghat Basti at South Park. Rs. 2500 was donated to him for this cause.
  • On December 14, 2006 Mrs. Nita Jha, an ex-student of the school, now residing in USA, addressed the students of Std. 9 to12 and shared her experiences in life. This was an encouraging session for the students.

  • Next Unity for a cause