ASHA's focuses on the ex-students of SHCS, the School and the surrounding community

Loyola-SHC to come closer

In The News

The Loyola Alumni Association (LAA) and the Association of Sacred Heart Convent Alumni (ASHA) came together on one platform during a musical event Antakshari.

Inaugration ceremonyPrincipal of Sacred Heart Convent. Sister Teresita Mary said that the proposal for celebrating the Feast Day with Loyola School has been mooted. “Alumni associations of the both the schools have decided to work jointly and they approached us for organizing social events. Antakstari was a part of one such event,” she said.

LAA office bearers claimed that former students of both the schools were eager to carry out social activities. “LAA is already involved in serving poor patients through its free medical clinic. We are trying to expand our horizons. Similarly, we are planning to help Asha members to take up charitable and social activities to uplift downtrodden,” they said.

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