Musical Evening on 15 Dec
The functioning of the cell, training and future growth of the counsellors is entirely funded by the alumni.
To demonstrate our support to the cause ASHA is organizing a musical evening on Sunday, 15th Dec. 2013 at JRD Sports Complex.
We appeal to you to for your support and patronage for the success of our programme and for our future endeavours.
Thanking you,
Yours’ sincerely
Deepali Misra
Association of Sacred Heart Alumni (ASHA)
Contributions can be made by cheques in favour of "Association of Sacred Heart Alumni" and sent to:
The Treasurer,
Sacred Heart Convent School,
Jamshedpur 831001
For direct money transfer kindly contact
Ms Sumita Ghosh,
Treasurer, ASHA.
Mob No +91 852 176 3597