Reunion of the 1976 batch
The next day, Saturday, 8th of January, we all met at the school chapel for a brief prayer service. This was a special occasion but what made it memorable was that it was conducted by Sister Marie Eugene who was the Principal of SHC when we were in ther last year of school. The teachers who graced the reunion were Tr. Lalita Sarin, Tr. Nargis , Tr. Racheal and Tr. Venkat. Few sentences spoken by them that will remain with us for a long long time were... "Invest a few moments in your lives everyday to do something that does not reap monetary gains... these moments will take care of you when you are down!
"It is not by chance that we became the wonderful teachers whom you can never forget... but because we taught you wonderful students we in turn grew to become this way!"
That day we remembered all our teachers who taught us, those present and those not present. We recalled several learning experiences... laughed and cried together specially while singing all the hymns we leant in school! As a small token of all our successes which all of us attribute to our school, we donated a cheque of two lakhs and ten thousand to the Hindi school for girls run by the sisters.
That evening we had a blast of a time at Beldih Club with the DJ playing all the old and new numbers! Dancing, eating, talking and catching up with friends! There were special prizes for girls who came from the furthermost of places won by Harshada (who came from Moscow!), the best and most enthusiastic dancer won by Nishi and the runners up won by Padmashree... the girl who stuck closest to the dress code taken away by Rita...
The next morning was for reserved a lazy picnic at the Jubilee Park...we really behaved like school going kids playing all the games we played at school...musical chairs, lemon and spoon races and orance juice and lemons to name a few....
All good things do come to an end...this one was just did not end and even now when I recall those three days I am happier because I am sure we are already planning to do meet again and again and again.....
Reunion photos
Click on photo to view gallery.
{gallery width=500 height=350}shc1976{/gallery}