ASHA's focuses on the ex-students of SHCS, the School and the surrounding community

Smita Sarangi ranked 15th in UPSC 2008 exams


Our principal, Sister Teresita Mary, congratulated her on the achievements and a felicitation function was organized in her honour. Smita graced us by her presence, and advised us about the various courses we could pursue in preparation for the Civil Services Examinations. She told us about the perseverance, determination and hard work required to obtain such an esteemed position of authority – the IAS. In an interactive session with the students, she motivated us and brought out the importance of our duty towards the nation. Her will to serve the society and make a difference also was a source of inspiration for many of us.

We are indeed very proud of Ms. Smita Sarangi achievements.Smita Sarangi addressing the students

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